Distance M.A

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MA or Master of Arts Distance Education is a 2 year distance corresponding degree course.

Why Study MA Distance Education?

The reasons for studying MA Distance Education are plenty are mentioned below:

  • The student can start his professional career while doing his MA distance Education. This will enable the person to gain experience while also doing higher education.
  • The student may develop a deep understanding of the course that is available with this degree course.
  • While doing his MA Distance Education, the person can provide for himself and his family.
  • The Students will get books from the institute which is included in the course fee; this helps the students to save costs.


Suresh Gyan Vihar University

Suresh Gyan Vihar University (SGVU) is a not-for-profit autonomous private university located in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. In 2017, the university became the first private university in Rajasthan to be awarded an 'A' grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, out of the 22 NAAC accredited universities in Rajasthan. The University was established through the Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur Act (Act no. 16 of 2008) of the Gover